my mind and desktop are overflowing with things to post, but i've been swamped with work lately, trying to get our spring orders out.
what has been keeping me up at night, though, has been a bit of easter crafting!
inspired by these ideas, we decided to take it one step further and go all out with these little bunnies!
i've made up a
pattern so you can whip up a few for an easter morning surprise.
use your favorite vintage or libery print for the body, ear backs and handles and a solid (we used an oatmeal linen) for the lining.
i would recommend sewing in this order:
* embroider a personalized face on one of the body pieces
* sew all 4 body pieces to the bottom
* sew up each of the 4 sides
* repeat for the lining
* iron interfacing to the wrong-side of both (printed fabric) ear pieces
* with print fabric and lining, right-sides together, sew around sides and top of ear (leave bottom unsewn)
* clip seam allowance around top curve of ear, turn inside out and press
* fold edge of ear into snipped marker
* sew ears onto printed fabric
* cut TWO 1.5" wide by 10" long strips of the printed fabric
* right sides together sew along the long side (1/4" seam allowance) turn inside out and press
* attach these two handles to the left and right side of the body
* with RIGHT sides together, place the printed bunny INSIDE the lining (face will be hidden between the two bunny bodies, ears and handles tucked between the two layers as well)
* sew along the top edge of the bodies (1/4" seam allowance) leaving a 2" space in the back side
* turn inside out, press and top stitch around top edge
* make up a puffy pom pom (tutorial
* using darning needle, sew pom pom on back side of body
* stuff with goodies and enjoy!
i sent mine off to my little
fresh air fund sister, Theresa yesterday... can't wait to hear her reaction!