in celebration of my cousin-in-law, caroline's soon-to-be baby, family and friends gathered on a perfect summer day at "blue shutters" to shower her with love, laughter, food and gifts.

the guest of honor
perfect card for the day... "rock-a-bye baby on the sea tops"
theresa, who discovered her passion for floral arranging this summer, put together all of the BEAUTIFUL bouquets
sparkling pink lemonades in cut crystal cups... perfectly lady-like!
my baby block cake, inspired by one from martha made for a adorable center-piece
caroline has a raspberry OBSESSION, so our cousin monica's flan hit. the. spot! yummm.
the funniest gift of the day? from uncle tom, of course:
"for caroline: i heard you were having a shower."
good luck, caroline! we can't wait to meet baby carrot!